Sunday, August 6, 2023

Trump and Planet Earth

The U.S. is in the thralls of a UFO, Reality TV, and Sci-Fi armageddon. 

The Star Trek character Spock came from a plant called Vulcan that embodied an ethos of logic and fact as a culture. In America, we have a character named Donald Trump that comes from a planet called Earth that embodies illogic and falsehoods as a culture.

Whereas most all Vulcans subscribed to the culture of logic and reason, slightly less than half of American Earthers have yet taken up Trump’s hallowed practice of delusional illogic. However, this culture has an even greater number of followers in Russia, Iran, and China, to name a few. America is a close fourth.

Proudly dishonest and ethically bankrupt, Trump has, however, amassed an American cult following in the millions - this being, then, a perfect definition of illogic. Recent UFO investigations by a large panel of American elite lawmakers found no connection between enemies of Vulcan (Romulans) and the science of fabricated illogic. But conspiracy theories remain.

As of August 2023, former president Donald Trump has been indicted three times, to the abject glee of his followers. He has been indicted in state court for election finance fraud and twice in federal court for conspiracies involving lying, cheating, and stealing from the American people. His support has, as would be expected on planet Earth, risen.

In the alternate timeline of the 2009 movie “Star Trek - Into Darkness”, the planet Vulcan is destroyed in 2258 by the Romulan known as Nero, who had time traveled from the future. Using his space mining vessel, Narada, Nero created a singularity in Vulcan's planetary core as part of his quest to avenge the destruction of Romulus that Spock failed to save. The resulting implosion destroyed Vulcan, killing most of its six billion inhabitants. Only around 10,000 managed to escape. At the end of the film, Spock Prime tells the younger Spock a suitable planet has been located to establish a colony for the surviving Vulcans; this world is named "New Vulcan"[1].

My research, with the help of UFO committee witnesses, indicates that the evil former Vice President Hillary Clinton may very well be creating such a weapon to use on planet Earth if the current Trumpist culture in America were to grow in popularity and match that of other like-minded countries. She is reportedly getting funding from the Church of Scientology and the estate of the late Issac Asimov.

As an aside, Elon Musk has considered calling his colony on Mars "New Earth".

Consider this fair warning.

[1]Vulcan demise, Wikipedia, retrieved August 6, 2023 from: 

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