
I know I'm not the only one that thinks America is broken and needs fixing. From Reagan to Obama and Trump to Biden... every president has told us how they were going to fix America, Make it Great Again, or whatever. 

However nothing basically has changed. 

We still have large scale racism and bigotry;
We still have a drug crisis;
We still have huge immigration issues;
We still have extreme partisan politics;
We still have a gun violence crisis;
We still have a healthcare and drug cost crisis;
We still have unabated global warming and pollution;
We still have gender inequality and choice constraints on women;
We still have major trade imbalances;
We still have.... fill in the blanks...

I posted five 'Steps' in 2019 you see in the ARCHIVE to the right of this post. They represent approaches we can use to fix most of our problems. 

Please read them and opine. Give me your ideas as well.

I'm here to tell you that nothing will ever change unless We The People change it. Politicians
and political parties have so much power and money tied up in the status quo that all their promises are complete bullshit... pardon my language, but it's true. 

We have been lulled asleep by a robust economy on an eight-year bull run. America's wealthiest are getting wealthier, and there are plenty of jobs, so all is well. Like children given treats to keep them quiet - we should be ashamed.

Just as with any grand society - from Greece and Rome to the Soviet Union - the U.S.A. may soon be next on the list of past robust societies. Our greed, nationalism, and grand notions of superiority will demonstrate that indeed, history repeats itself for those too ignorant to learn from it.

But we are at a point where we can change the paradigm.  Social media and a new level of social awareness are upon us. If we use it to our advantage, We The People can affect change never before thought possible. We have a weapon no nation before us had: The Constitution of the United States of America.

Rally now to the call of a country in need of repair to its social compass.  Let everyone hear your ideas - bold and otherwise - for correcting our course and making this nation more than the sum of its parts. More than anyone could have ever imagined. Read my Blog Archive from July 2019 and my solution, "Steps" - and tell me about yours. Let's make the best solutions VIRAL solutions that cannot be ignored.

Let's all get on board with Fixing America.


Who is JWB?

Currently retired and living in the country in central Texas, I'm a former US Marine. I received a Master's Degree in Information Systems Management from Colorado Tech and have spent over 50 years in computer sciences and technology. I have witnessed and partook in the rise of personal computing and the internet over a 50-year career.

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