Sunday, July 7, 2019

Step 4: Global Warning

Recently there have been new warnings from scientists that global warming is accelerating faster than predicted. Thus the title here - it's not a misspelling. It's a Global Warning. Many of the previous predictions were thought to be extreme by many right wing pundits. However, studies show air quality is falling faster and sea levels rising faster than even the most aggressive predictions 40 years ago.

On the political left we hear a constant chorus of how humanity is ‘destroying the planet’.
  And many environmentalists agree citing a rapid decrease in numerous animal species. 

Geologists agree that there have been at least five extinction events on this plant since life arose. One of which had eerily similar CO2 emissions prior to complete collapse. 

It’s my opinion, such as it is, that the planet cannot be ‘destroyed’ by an extinction event. Five extinction events and the planet survived just fine. Once the offending catastrophe past, the planet, in time, restored itself. So it’s my position that we are simply destroying ourselves – the earth will go on in spite of us.

Humans are, by and large, destroyers. Ignorant and self-serving, humanity is fairly guaranteed to create another extinction event.  We are REALLY that stupid as a species.

So rather than going crazy trying to figure out how to stop the inevitable, maybe we should be studying how to survive it. If a small percentage of humanity can survive, we may have a chance at a do-over.

I’m old enough to remember the cold war hysteria of the 1950’s when it seemed ‘everyone’ was building a bomb shelter – or knew someone who was. This approach will not work for the next extinction event. It may last a thousand years. 

I see two possible scenarios to surviving a global extinction event. Both sound like science fiction and neither is guaranteed.
  • Build large underground cities to survive for several thousand years; or

  • Establish large colonies on the moon and Mars.

I see you smiling. No, I’m not naive enough to think we have the ability or will to do either. 

While I do believe we have a 90% chance of triggering a mass extinction… that last 10% may be worth a look. It’s improperly called “The Green New Deal” (GND) [1] and it is viewed by the creators of this extinction event (conservatives) as a socialist takeover of America. In reality, it’s ecological provisions are far too little – and possibly - far too late.

The ecological tenets and objectives of the GND, if applied only to the U.S., would not stop the destruction of the ecosystem that has already begun.
  While, it may slow it a bit, the GND ecological objectives would need to be applied globally for the human race to have any chance at redemption.

One of the GND biggest problems is that, rather than a single piece of legislation, it is more or less a framework of liberal ideals.  It includes ecological adaptation, universal health care, minimum wages, social security reform, education reform, etc.  It’s 'boil the ocean' approach gets very negative reviews from conservatives and moderates alike. 

We must break out the idealism from the GND and make it purely The Green Deal.  We must first focus on eliminating pollution and greenhouse gas emissions as much as technologically feasible. Like today.

The GND does not have any details on how all of these idealistic changes are to be accomplished. We need real environmental policy that puts humanity before ideology or economy.  We can no longer think only of profits and opportunity. We need to think in terms of survival.

[1] (2019) Green New Deal - Draft Legislation; 

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