Saturday, July 15, 2023

Fearful Justice

Recent attacks, by the religious political right, on human (LGBTQ & reproductive) rights and choices, are the tip of the “Fear Iceberg” in contemporary democratic society. I’m not all that surprised that Russia or Iran are vocal about their bias and bigotry, but the fact that a small and vocal segment of America displays the same ignorance is troubling. 

The US Constitution proclaims that “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are unalienable rights.  Which is apparently interpreted by these right-wing groups to mean additionally: “ long as you are Christian, white, celibate, straight and afraid”. 

The fear factor is an iceberg. It lies beneath all the lofty rhetoric about social values and child safety. These people are afraid of the influence such personal freedoms will have on their social circle, culture, or children. They easily whip themselves into a frenzy imagining what society will be if we continue down this godless road!

The fact of the matter is, homosexual behaviors have been around as long as humans themselves.  Aborting an unwanted pregnancy has also been a common practice since the first birth. 

You would think these behaviors and ‘liberties’ were something new and dangerous if you are a modern-day right-wing extremist. They would say: “Just because we have always done it does not mean we should”. But I’m here to tell them, it’s not about “we”. It’s about You. And that is the issue. You are not harmed in any way. There are no ‘victims’ in your circle. The only victims are the ones created by your oppressive laws and the persecution of liberty sought by these groups.

I will wager a bet. I have no way to prove this, as the truth is as well hidden as the fear, but I will wager that over 50% of the politicians and right-wing groups sponsoring these attacks on liberty have been directly involved in supporting or engaging in homosexual conduct or the procurement of an abortion. Either personally or through immediate family or friends. 

It is nearly impossible - unless you are raised on a secluded hilltop somewhere - not to have had experience or relationships with those that are in need of protection from these attacks. Yet they attack anyway. 

Fear is the catalyst that foreshadows all rational acceptance of what is a real inalienable human right.  Fear removes grace, dignity, empathy, and understanding. Hate is built on fear. Wars are fought over it. Liberty is denied by it.

As long as we fear that which is human nature and human need, we will suffer fearful justice from the lowest of society to the highest court in the land. Fear knows no bounds.

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