Friday, July 3, 2020


Perspective is the natural enemy of hypocrisy. 

The US is celebrating its independence the weekend of 4 July, 2020. But we are missing the perspective of the people that are not enjoying the self-evident truths and the Rule of Law that our Constitution supposedly guarantees. From children in immigration concentration camps, to African-American racism among law enforcement; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is still somewhat far off.

It is fitting then, I suppose, that the actual declaration of independence was made on July 2nd, 1776, not July 4th. History and perspective are captives of time and culture. 

I was under the mistaken impression, some 30 years ago, that the culture of white privilege in this country was eroding; by the 21st century we would be far beyond where we are now.  

My perspective was to blame. As a white Marine Corps veteran, with as many black friends as white, I had put my racist upbringing to a peaceful rest.  My admiration for Martin Luther King, and the later success of Barack Obama, made me all the surer that we were slowly coming out of our racial dark ages. 

I could not have been more wrong if I tried. The new millennia gave rise to Social Media and right wing tabloids that elevated persistent white nationalism. And, in 2016, we reaped what they had sown. 

So, on this July 4th, let’s reflect, more than party, for a change. Let us reflect on the promise of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Just celebrating that we have them does not seem like enough right now.

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