Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Well. I never saw this coming. OMG.

It could not have come at a worse time for America. It's as if the stars have aligned against us. If you believe in that sort of thing.

Probably the worst governance this country has seen since its founding is in power. On the left and right. An election year - with enough power mad and self righteous idiots to go around. Immigrants locked up in what amounts to concentration camps. Add to that an economy that was on a bull run with an unemployment of around 3% - and chaos ensues.

I know not how this will end. No one does. But I can be pretty sure that given the social and political ignorance of the current governing body, we may see a whole new America in five years.

I don't believe in prayer. Praying for something is the same as hoping for something. Hope is not a strategy. We have no strategy for progressing our experimental democracy beyond a capitalist vision in time of social crisis. No idea what it will take to bring us back together. As divided as we have been over the last decade, we have an impossible task ahead.

The only thing that might work is if the HAVEs and the HAVE NOTs come together; in some way. I don't know how that will happen. I only HOPE that it will.

Damn I hate that word.